NMAS analytics is designed to help users quickly diagnose troubled assets and continually monitor changing conditions. While increased levels of vibration may indicate early problems, additional analysis can determine the cause of the problem such as imbalance, shaft misalignment or bearing wear. The nmas Online system provides:
- Overall Dashboard
- RMS Trend View
- Waterfall Plots
- and More

Take Real Time Data on Demand
In addition to scheduled data posting and event-based triggers, users can remotely take data from the sensors via the cloud portal. This is ideal for monitoring a rapidly changing condition . This is also useful for vibration analysts located off-site to remotely take live data and confirm a fix has been made.

Share, Collaborate and act on Data
In today’s world of tight production deadlines and aggressive on-time delivery expectations, a facility needs to act quickly to avoid unplanned downtime. Therefore, the nmas system is designed to allow users to quickly collaborate, share data and provide real-time diagnosis from anywhere. Combined with powerful analysis tools provide users the ability to act quickly, from almost any device.